Terms and Conditions


The SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA website is an online platform where users can view SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA’s product portfolio in order to understand its history, products, experiences, news and more.

Requests submitted by users are processed by SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA, whose activities are compatible with them, so that, if they so wish, they can submit proposals directly to users for the services requested and their respective quotes.

It is up to the client/user to evaluate the quotations and services presented by SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA Sociedade Comercial 510670300 | Registered Office: Largo São Francisco 38 4700-307 Braga | T. 253130732 | E-mail: tp.pugesobfsctd-1b52b1@lareg | Registered at the Braga Commercial Registry Office under the single registration and legal person number 510670300 | Share Capital: € 54,000.00


The Privacy Policy is described in detail here (link).


SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA guarantees the continuous and correct operation of its website, except in situations where, for reasons beyond its control, such fulfilment cannot be demanded.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA reserves the right, as owner of the Website, to suspend or cease its operation whenever it deems that justified reasons (related either to third parties or to its business model) justify it, which in any case will be communicated to its users as soon as possible.

Clients and Users are obliged, when including information, to take into account compliance with the legislation in force, in particular that relating to competition, protection of consumer rights, misleading advertising and discrimination. Information of an obscene nature or with indecent, offensive or pornographic content is also prohibited, as are references to other sites of any kind.

Clients and Users undertake to ensure that none of the information made available to SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA contains computer viruses, macro viruses, Trojan horses, worms or anything that causes interference or may interrupt or in any way disturb the operating procedures of a computer.

They are also prevented from accessing the system without express authorisation, as well as clandestinely intercepting or intercepting data or information of any kind, particularly of a personal nature.

SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA shall not be held liable for any error, omission, inaccuracy or falsehood of the information transmitted by Clients and Users.

SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA reserves the right not to use, in any way, any information that violates this User Agreement.


Filling in the forms on the website, in the capacity of Client or Users, constitutes the realisation of a contact between them and SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA resulting in rights and obligations for each of the parties, namely:

The Client/User has the right to use the Website, under the terms and conditions set out in this User Agreement, with respect for the corresponding privacy policy.
Clients and Users undertake not to copy, reproduce, modify or in any way use any content on the website, nor to send to third parties or otherwise disseminate content on the website, distribute or publicly display any content on the website without the prior express authorisation of SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA.
Clients and Users undertake not to use the SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA website, its contents or services for any purpose other than that for which it is intended, in particular for illicit, illegal purposes or in any way capable of impinging on the legally protected rights of others.


Conflicts arising from relationships established between Clients and Users must be reported to SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA.


The use of the website by Clients and Users is free of charge.


In the event of a dispute, we inform you that the consumer may resort to the Alternative Dispute Resolution organisations identified on the consumer portal, on the website www.consumidor.pt, or the Online Consumer Dispute Resolution organisations identified on the website https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr.

The alternative dispute resolution organisations that currently exist are as follows:

CNIACC – National Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration Centre
General jurisdiction
E-mail: tp.lnuobfsctd-56a47b@ccainc
Web: http://www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org

Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre
Geographical area covered – contracts concluded in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area: Lisbon, Alcochete, Almada, Amadora, Azambuja, Barreiro, Cascais, Lisboa, Loures, Mafra, Moita, Montijo, Odivelas, Oeiras, Palmela, Seixal, Sesimbra, Setúbal, Sintra and Vila Franca de Xira.
E-mail: tp.aobsilmegartibraortnecobfsctd-831b76@ocidiruj / tp.aobsilmegartibraortnecobfsctd-7b7a16@rotcerid
Web: http://www.centroarbitragemlisboa.pt


All content on the website is the property of SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA and may not, under any circumstances, be reproduced, transferred, distributed, stored or used for commercial purposes without prior written authorisation from the owner.

The photos presented for each service and/or project may not be a true representation of its reality in terms of colour, shape or detail.

Please note that the same colour may have different tones when different materials are used. These possible differences are natural and result from the composition of the materials themselves, their structure and their lustre or lack of it.


Any requests for clarification, suggestions or complaints should be addressed to SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA at tp.pugesobfsctd-171c21@lareg.

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