Protect your goods
It is well known that any type of transport entails risks, unforeseen events and adversities. To minimise these situations, Segup offers a wide range of Transport Insurance solutions for your company, which protects new or used goods transported by land, sea, river or air, compensating the respective owner for any damage they may suffer during the journey.
Transport insurance includes various types of protection, from fire, explosion or collision of the means of transport to theft of goods, and you can choose the type of cover that best suits your company’s needs.
Don’t give way to unexpected situations.
Ask for an insurance quote now!
SEGUP Corretores de Seguros SA, Sociedade Anónima, with registered office at Largo São Francisco 38 4700-307 Braga, holder of the legal person identification card 510670300, registered at the Braga Commercial Registry Office, under no. 510670300, with share capital of €54,000. insurance broker registered, on 05/03/2024, with ASF – Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões, with the category of insurance agent under no. 624584421, with authorisation to carry out insurance mediation activity in the Life and Non-Life branches (if applicable) and which can be verified and confirmed at informs his client(s), under the terms and for the purposes of article 32 of Decree-Law no. 144/2006, of 31 July.
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